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What is the future of an Autonomous Driving System?

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DAS (Driving Assistance System) sensors like camera, radar, or LiDAR require alignment in the initial stage of their coordinate system to the coordinate system of the trucks. The calibration regarding the coordinate system of the trucks is mandatory for a function that is proper for detecting objects especially for long-distance applications like Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) or Lane Departure Warning (LDW), called the eyes of future Autonomous Driving.

In the area of an assembly final plant for trucks, the calibration is majorly performed in the End of Line (EOL). It requires equipment for a reliable and precise measurement for the geometry of the wheel of the trucks as well as the target is calibrated about the driving direction of the trucks. Inaccuracy and reproducibility, high performance is necessary to align with the DAS sensors.

In the area of commercial vehicles, assistance systems and autonomous functions are developed which are important topics in the area of commercial vehicles. Some functions like telemetric information and guidance systems are also constantly increasing in the importance of fleet management systems.

In the domain of construction machines, automation has been evolving over recent years as a great risk of human errors is being provided by complex scenarios. A lot of potentials is provided to improve productivity, quality, and safety by automation in the area of road construction. In the construction process, tandem rollers are involved to be predestined for automation.

As we know, fleet management systems are well known in the market. They usually use the technology in a central server, the vehicles send the current status and the coordinator of the fleet gets to know in advance where information related to certain machine maintenance is required.

Source:- Commercial Vehicle Technology 2018



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