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How digital twins works in an industrial environment?

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The two important things are reserved for digital twins, purely economic in an industrial environment that are often complicated and competitive in places with actors like suppliers and partners, and sometimes competitors to collaborate.

The data can be protected with important information confidentiality. But however, the dictator model does not fit a scenario with a central brain that got necessary access to all sorts of competitive-sensitive data to perform its task adequately. So, you can imagine how the worst nightmare it can be for most business leaders is by thinking about sharing such data.

To establish reliable communication between people and machines, digital twins should be moved into such factories with complex situations, where it seems that the dictator model could be an ideal solution with two reservations.

The same factory with competitors are working together who do not want to share data and intervene by a human employee and even if the commercial interests in a factory are involved with only one party, the scenario that is centrally controlled can disintegrate as soon as possible to have a walk around the factory floor with a person on his own autonomy and authority.

As we can see, a human robot that is programmed to work as per the human creative architect notices it’s not functioning as it should be and the mistake is corrected by intervening. An entire system for that moment would come to a standstill where the virtual brain would lose all control.

From a long-term perspective, in an industrial environment, the model could be geared towards the production of mass goods with a human role to be minimal.

Source:- Elektronik Praxis

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