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Which countries are interested in e-cars?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Have you ever wondered if are you making the right decision to purchase an e-car?

Well if you are from South Korea, 40% agree with you whereas if you are in China, only 28%. Why such a huge gap even though the world seems to be enthusiastic about the new EV technology?

As per Statista Global survey result, 30% of the adult in Germany agrees with an E-car, however, As per GCS, only two percent of the household got an electric car in Germany.

(Translation: E-cars have potential. The proportion of respondents who would consider an e-car when buying a car (%))

Infografik: E-Autos haben Potential | Statista 

India is in 2nd position whereas the US is in the last position. However, in a conversation with a person over Twitter, the craze for e-cars is huge and especially for Tesla.

According to the Federal Motor Transport Authority, electric cars on the road by Jan 2022, were 618,460, which means 1.3 percent of all passenger cars in Germany.

If you compare it with other fuel-driven cars then, 31 million passenger cars by gasoline (63.9%) and 14.8 million passenger cars by diesel (30.5%).

The reason is unknown for such variations. Change is something not everybody is eager to jump into. An electric car even created a huge market with great buzzwords but has not yet enticed everybody to make an immediate purchase.

Well, you need to know to see consumers or the customers, whether they are waiting for their favorite brand to make an offer or are waiting to get the price low down.

Be it any market, it has been shaped by the consumers or customers and the invisible hand cannot be denied when it comes to the demand for the new product. After all, the vehicle is a long-term investment, and needs to see, if any post-pandemic effect is also there or not. But let us see, in how much time, the market can show green signals for complete EVs on the road.

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