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How does AM play an important role in the automotive market?

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AM stands for additive manufacturing playing an important role to cut down the cost of the early prototypes. It supports taking care of the initial cost of the various components and parts.

The 3D printing technology used by the GM for over 3 decades. The method has been beneficial for finding and addressing the part design issues before manufacturing the production tools. Even before you can spend on the real parts, with 3D printing, the prototypes are not expensive and a better result is guaranteed.  

The reasons for GM to invest in AM are:-

  1. The lightweight version of the structural components is possible with AM.
  2. More flexibility is added in unique designs by AM.

With 3D printing technology, the simulation of the prototype can be done at a much lesser cost but also with different experimental conditions, only a small number of the prototype can be printed before it goes into full production.  

The accuracy of the result with the 3D printing technology process is also beneficial. The 3D printing industry is involved in exotic metallic powders such as titanium and nickel base alloys in the aerospace and medical industries.

Also, AM helps to reduce the waste and downtime of the process. However, the AM is facing its biggest challenge in the manufacturing value chain is cybersecurity.

Source:- Deloitte

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