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What is the green scorecard for Tech Giants?

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Are you wondering which company achieved 100% and which companies need to walk a long road before achieving the 100% goal?

Below shows the chart for the following companies and their ranking in the clean energy index: –

Companiesclean energy indexenergy transparencyrenewable energy commitment & sitting policyEnergy efficiency & mitigationrenewable energy deployment & advocacy
Amazon.com web services23%FCDD
Rackspace (the open cloud company)25%CBBC

In my opinion, the image and the clean index rating for Apple are beyond remarkable. The kind of rating they have achieved towards renewable-powered sources presents them as one of the inspiring groups. The performance by eBay is quite shocking with only 10%, which is way below what anybody can expect.

Even Oracle is below 20%, which shows the number is quite unsatisfactory. Another surprising performance is Amazon web services failing in the Energy transparency category. Oracle is also just with a D rating, which shows that the category is somehow not gaining the right audience from the tech giants. The reasons are quite unknown, why transparency is a problem for them in green energy cases.

Source:- greenpeace.org

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