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Renewable energies to avoid 227 million tons of greenhouse gases

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Well, it is true in the case of Germany.

The net balance of avoided greenhouse gas emissions from the use of renewable energies in Germany in 2020,

Renewable energies

Translated text,

(Strom: Current; Wärme: Heat; Verkehr: Transport; Wasserkraft: Hydropower, Solarthermie: Solar energy, Geothermie: Geo thermal energy)

The total emissions from coal, gas, and oil were reduced in 2020 through the use of renewable energies avoiding around 227 million metric tons of CO2 equivalents.

The largest share of this, 101 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents, was generated by wind power. In total, the electricity sector accounted for around 181 million metric tons of CO2 equivalents.

In 2019 and 2020, an increasing displacement of electricity generation from hard coal and lignite due to higher CO2 certificate prices and lower fuel costs for natural gas was observed.

In the heating sector, around 36 million metric tons of CO2 equivalents were avoided, and for biofuels in the transport sector around 9.3 million t CO2 equivalents were avoided.

The economic impetus from the operation of renewable energy plants (including biofuels) continued their upward trend, growing from 17.2 to 18.2 billion euros, driven in particular by a sharp increase in revenue from the sale of biofuels. As in the years since 2015, they thus exceeded years since 2015, they exceeded investments in new plants.

Source: umwelt bundesamt

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