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Who are the top 10 sustainable companies in the US?

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As the goal have been put forward in each company as a challenge to adapt each of the sustainable development goals, it also shows the road for the companies to compete in the sustainable market to achieve the top score. Hence, become sustainable companies.

The new agenda provides the reviewers with a rating card and helps in ranking the companies to be in the top 10 list.

In the US, as per a survey by Barron’s Calvert in 2020, the top 10 sustainable companies in the US are:-

Agilent Technologies
Texas Instruments
Voya Financial
Best Buy
HP Inc.
Cisco Systems

In my opinion, the survey shows the enthusiasm and also the awareness among the company and the serious attitude to effectively implement it in the US.

The picture clearly shows the mix of companies from the different sectors but the top 10 IT companies like Google, Microsoft, and Apple have not been able to level it up.

Source:- Statista

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