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How is the German SMEs handling digitalization?

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It has been stated that Digitalization is lacking in a bigger way in German SMEs. Industry 4.0 is an important topic in German SMEs. But how far the technology is accepted in the SMEs is still not sure?

One of the Munich-based SMEs is targeting the lack by bringing out a new type of CRM solution. The software is not just for customers but also for machines, plants, vehicles, or buildings. The software is called XRM software i.e. Anything Relationship Management software. The Munich-based company is known as Remberg.

Even with the XRM solution, the company pointed out the lack of stable mobile internet services hindering the performances of predictive maintenance, augmented reality, and smart services. The company is developing cloud-based CRM software for the majority of SMEs where they avail all sorts of services from one package tool.

The difficulties of the on-site technicians to get the paperwork report with a carbon copy rather than the digitally supported tools. Also, the cost of such tools just for one purpose is expensive. The new XRM software addresses the issues of handling all sorts of tasks and not just one particular customer segment.

Source:- industry of things

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