How to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As per the Net Zero economic index 2022,

With the help of the Science Based Objectives (SBTi) program, more than 3,000 businesses and financial institutions are reducing their emissions following science-based targets.

Due to the significant challenge (expensive investments and a lack of technical solutions, for example) and the potential, it presents for businesses to save money, become more robust, and grow their market prospects (increase competitiveness).

Independence from rises in energy prices is also crucial. The study “Emission Intensity of Production and Factory Structures – The Road to Zero Emission,” carried out by researchers at Fraunhofer IPA on behalf of the management consulting firm Ingenics AG, demonstrates this.

186 companies from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland were surveyed about their climate targets, their motivation, and the challenges they face in implementing them.

The manufacturing sector, which most urgently needs tools to categorize its activities and objectives, is now an across-industry at state of recording, analyzing, and lowering emissions intensity.

Companies must also be able to identify correct and effective measures to reduce emissions and implement them step by step. Measures that are already being used successfully in the industry are therefore also presented.

Large corporations, particularly those in the automotive and aviation sectors as well as mechanical and plant engineering, consider themselves pioneers when it comes to meeting their climate objectives. SMEs continue to lack a focused strategy. Even though the majority of the businesses polled were aware of the possibility of reducing emissions, 62 percent said they would benefit from outside assistance in finding further measures and putting them into place.

Source: Dr. Alexandra Hildebrandt

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