What is with Qilin Batteries?

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Qilin batteries are to be produced in mass as a strategic partnership between Geely Holding Group and Chinese Battery maker Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd.

Qilin is the 3rd generation cell-to-pack technology from Contemporary Amerex Technology Co. Ltd (CATL).

As per electriccarsreport “a record-breaking volume utilization efficiency of 72% and an energy density of up to 255 Wh/kg, it achieves the highest integration level worldwide so far, capable of delivering a range of over 1,000 km in a breeze.”

“In the CTP 3.0 battery, the internal crossbeam, liquid-cooling plate, and thermal pad have been integrated into a multifunctional elastic interlayer. It also features built-in micron bridges inside the interlayer, which flexibly accommodate the changes inside the cell, improving the battery’s reliability throughout its full life cycle. The integrated energy unit, which is composed of the cell and the multifunctional elastic interlayer, builds a more stable load bearing structure perpendicular to the driving direction, thus enhancing the shock and vibration resistance of the battery pack.”

Zeekr 009 becomes the world’s first car with Qilin inside. Zeekr 001 broke two Guinness World Records for the fastest drift. Zeekr by Geely Holding Group is already making the buzz with huge records.

001 is the fastest electric vehicle drifting that is achievable greater than 160 km/h at a maximum speed of 207.996 km/h. 001 uses a twin electric system. The front and the rear end can achieve instantaneous torque output up to 7,680 Nm with an acceleration time of up to 100km/h in 3.8s.

Zeekr 001 became a benchmark for the fastest all-electric car.

Qilin with a trail-blazing large-surface cell cooling technology provides a hot start in 5 minutes and fast charging in 10 minutes. The performance is 13% more powerful than a 4680 battery. A huge benchmark in the electric vehicle segment with improved range, fast charging, safety, service life, efficiency, and low-temperature performance.

CATL and Zeekr signed a strategic partnership for five years to bring the first volume of Qilin batteries. CATL also announced the new AITO models from Chinese EV maker SERES will also be powered with Qilin batteries.

It is said that “Qilin batteries will be able to bring into full play its energy efficiency with the support of the open and leading Sustainable Experience Architecture (SAE), providing a perfect pure electric driving solution.”

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